Travel : Kromlauer Park, Saxony, Germany

A few days ago we went on a search for a mysterious, fantasy-looking bridge I had seen on the Web. It was called Die Rakotzbrücke (Rakotz Bridge) and the only information I had was that it was somewhere in Saxony.

What a coincidence! "Do you know where this is?" I asked my Saxon man. "No, never heard of it before" was the answer. So we got out the map, jumped into the car and weaved our way through the country roads to the Polish border and then back into Germany again.

We entered the 200 acre Kromlauer Park in deepest, darkest Saxony....
and what a delight to the senses!  As we rounded the corner we entered this stunning azalea and rhododendron forest. The colours of the flowers and the perfume from the honeysuckle were just wonderful. I wish I could capture the smell to share with you.

And here it is.. definitely worth the visit. The bridge is made from basalt columns and creates a perfect circle with the reflection of the water. Stunning, isn't it?


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